Management and Organization Review is the journal of International Association for Chinese Management Research.
Management and Organization Review (MOR) is the premier journal for ground-breaking insights about management and organizations in China and global comparative contexts. MOR is a far reaching multidisciplinary social science journal that seeks to publish papers that test theory, develop indigenous theories, explore interesting phenomena or research questions, replicates prior studies always in the context of transforming economies. MOR welcomes papers from diverse social science disciplines such as organization behavior, organization theory, strategic management, economics, economic geography, innovation theories, anthropology, political science, cross - cultural, and social psychology, international business, sociology, cognitive science, and institutional theory.
Article Types
Management and Organization Review publishes:
- Article*
- Commentary*
- Dialogue, Debate, and Discussion*
- Editorial Essay*
- Letter from the Editor
- Letter to the Editor
- Perspectives*
- Article Commentary
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.
MOR applies a double-anonymised peer review process for manuscripts. We value our reviewers and thank you for your contributions to the success of MOR.