Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The species of the genus Macrophya Dahlbom (Tenthredininae) of North America are revised. Forty-six species and two subgenera are recognized, Macrophya s. str. with 45 species, and Pseudomacrophya Enslin with a single species. The subgenus Paramacrophya Forsius is newly synonymized with Macrophya s. str. Eleven species are described as new: amediata, epinolineata, macgillivrayi, masneri, masoni, mensa, nirvana, phylacida, senacca, serratalineata, and smithi; and the following new synonymy proposed: albomaculata (Norton) = contaminata Provancher, errans Rohwer, and fuscoterminata Rohwer; bifasciata (Say) = pulcherrima Kirby; cassandra Kirby = albilabris Harrington, bellula MacGillivray, and externiformis Rohwer; flavolineata (Norton) = confusa MacGillivray, crassicornis Provancher, (?) lineata Norton, and proximata Norton; flicta MacGillivray = fistula MacGillivray; fuliginea Norton = castanea Rohwer; fumator Norton = pumila Norton, and subviolacea Cresson; mixta MacGillivray = bilineata Dyar; nigra (Norton) = minuta MacGillivray; oregona Cresson = obaerata MacGillivray, and oregona var. dukiae Ross; pannosa (Say) = flaccida MacGillivray, and raui Rohwer; pulchella (Klug) = albifacies Kirby, dyari Rohwer, ornata MacGillivray, and trosula (Norton); pulchelliformis Rohwer = sambuci Rohwer; trisyllaba (Norton) = zonalis Norton; and varia (Norton) = fascialis Norton, and fascialis var. puella Ross. Macrophya varius var. festana Ross is removed from synonymy with M. varia (Norton) and accorded specific status, and the following species removed from previous synonymy and recognized as valid species: simillima Rohwer from intermedia (Norton); flavolineata (Norton), lineatana Rohwer, and zoe Kirby from pulchella (Klug); and oregona Cresson from pumila Norton. Macrophya dejecta (Norton) is removed from the list of Nearctic species, and is removed from synonymy with M. cinctula (Norton) but synonymized with the Palearctic species M. ligata (Müller). Macrophya annulipes Cresson and M. coquilletti (Rohwer) are considered to belong to an undescribed genus and are excluded from Macrophya; and Allantus cestus Say, and the fossiliferous species Macrophya pervetusta Brues, are considered as unrecognized taxa of Tenthredinidae. Neotypes are designated for Allantus intermedius Norton and A. epinotus Say, and lectotypes designated where necessary. The limits of the genus and subgenera are discussed, and the Palearctic and Nearctic faunas compared through species-groups. Keys to the males and females are given, all species described, and the taxonomic characters used to separate the Nearctic species illustrated in figures taken by electron photography and microphotography.
Modified and expanded from a thesis submitted to Carleton University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
Present address: Department of Entomology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3.