This amphibole is an important constituent of an albite-epidote-actinolite-chlorite-calcite-schist from the summit of Coronet Peak in the Wakatipu district, western Otago. The mineral is somewhat concentrated into folia and porphyroblastie crystals up to 5·0 mm. in length, and is markedly flattened parallel to the orthopinakoid so that sections cut parallel to the schistosity exhibit numerous porphyroblasts, deeply coloured, poorly birefringent, and showing rather poor cleavage lines (fig. 1 A and B; fig. 2 A). In slices cut across the foliation numerous elongated end-sections are to be seen with development of small orthopinakoids (fig. 2 B).
The refractive indices (±0·002) are α 1·635, β 1·650, γ 1·655; γ—α 0·020. The angle γ:c = 18° and 2V 60°±1° Pleochroism follows the scheme α pale yellow, β dirty bluish-green, γ deep bluish-green, with absorption γ > β > α.