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The Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society Digital Archive is a repository of every single article published in the journal between 1884 and 2000. The archive consists of two series: volume 1 (1883) to volume 44 (1926) and the second series, volume 1 (1927) to volume 43 (2000). It also includes articles published in the Edinburgh Mathematical Notes, a supplement to the Proceedings between 1909 and 1961.

The archive houses over 29,000 pages of content, reproduced as high-resolution, searchable PDFs. It marks the complete digitisation of the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, with all material available through Cambridge Core.

The archive contains approximately 4,000 articles from the journal's first 87 volumes - 215 issues in total.

Online access to all the research in the Proceedings is free to everybody 10 years after publication. Access to articles from the most recent 10 years is provided with a current subscription.

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Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
  • ISSN: 0013-0915 (Print), 1464-3839 (Online)
  • Frequency: 4 issues per year
The Edinburgh Mathematical Society was founded in 1883 and over the years, has evolved into the principal society for the promotion of mathematics research in Scotland. The Society has published its Proceedings since 1884. This journal contains research papers on topics in a broad range of pure and applied mathematics, together with a number of topical book reviews.