Published online by Cambridge University Press: 08 November 2005
An all-sky list of 88 nearby dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies with distances $D < 10$ Mpc is considered. Most of the objects have recently been found by Karachentseva & Karachentsev based on POSSII/ESO-SERC survey. A hundred more dSph galaxies are expected in this volume, being missed so far because of their low luminosity and low surface brightness. Apart from 22 dSph members of the Local Group, there are 33 dSphs in other nearby groups that have been resolved recently into stars with HST. Only 5% of the local dSphs are situated outside the known groups.
We discuss observational correlation between basic parameters of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies, in particular, absolute magnitude, surface brightness, metallicity, and so-called “tidal index”. The observed number of dSphs in group increases with luminosity of its brightest galaxy. In a “synthetic” nearby group, dwarf spheroidal galaxies are distributed in depth quite symmetrically about the principal galaxy, having an rms distance scatter of 200 kpc. Projected radial distribution of dSphs in the synthetic group follows the profile $N(R) ~ exp(-R/200$ kpc).