Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
Dana, in his Report on the Crustacea of the North Atlantic Exploring Expedition, described a number of genera founded on larvae of various Crustacea. Of these genera Calyptopis, Furcilia and Cyrtopia were shown by Claus in 1863 to represent three stages in the development of the Euphausiidas. Metschnikoff, in 1869, described a still earlier stage under the name of Metanauplius; and in 1871 the same investigator was enabled to show that the young Euphausiidse are hatched as true Nauplii, having a rounded body and three pairs of swimming appendages.
note * page 417 Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxi. pi. xxxiv. fig. 2, 1871.Google Scholar