To celebrate World Mental Health Day 2000 (10 October), the Changing Minds Campaign launched an outstanding 2-minute cinema film entitled “1 in 4”.,

“1 in 4” questions our preconceptions about mental illness and emphasises the reality that mental helath problems can touch anyone. The film uses many challenging images with a forthright, and at times shocking, script. It has been developed particularly with younger people in mind, who are often most at risk of suffering from severe mental illness and suicide. They are also regular cinemagoers.
The film reinforces the message that anyone can suffer from mental illness - “1 in 4 could be your Brother, your Sister. Could be your Wife, your Girlfriend… 1 in 4 could be your Daughter…1 in 4 could be Me…it could be YOU.”
The value of the film
This challenging new film has been made possible by the generosity of a leading London advertising agency, WCRS; John Selby, Director, from Godman - a major production company; and Warner Bros, who has agreed to show “1 in 4” before a large number of feature films to be released from 3 November in Warner Village cinemas throughout the UK. The music is by courtesy of Michael Nyman.
This striking cinema film would have cost more than half a million pounds to make and distribute. None of this would have been possible without the generous help and support of our sponsors.
“For many years now, those of us working in mental health have had on their ‘wish list’ an advertising film challenging the discrimination against people with mental illness.” 1 in 4 “ has now achieved this,” said Professor John Cox, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
“We are absolutely delighted with this initiative and we hope that the film is seen by many thousands of people and touches them in the same way as it has us.”
For further information or transparencies of stills from the film contact Deborah Hart or Vanessa Hudson in the College External Affairs Department, tel: 020 7235 2351 exts. 127 or 154; e-mail:
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