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We’re delighted to announce that all articles accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia from 25 November 2024 will be ‘open access’; published with a Creative Commons licence and freely available to read online (see the journal’s Open Access Options page for available licence options). We have an OA option for every author: the costs of open access publication will be covered through agreements between the publisher and the author’s institution, payment of APCs for those with third-party funding, or else waived entirely, ensuring every author can publish and enjoy the benefits of OA.  

Please see the journal's Open Access Options page for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.

See this FAQ for more information. 

    • You have access: full
    • Open access
  • ISSN: 1323-3580 (Print), 1448-6083 (Online)
  • Editor: Minh Huynh CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science |Australia
  • Editorial board
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA) is an open access journal which publishes new and significant research in astronomy and astrophysics. PASA covers a wide range of topics within astronomy, including multi-wavelength observations, theoretical modelling, computational astronomy and visualisation. PASA also maintains its heritage of publishing results on southern hemisphere astronomy and on astronomy with Australian facilities.PASA publishes research papers, review papers and special series on topical issues, making use of expert international reviewers and an experienced Editorial Board. As an electronic-only journal, PASA publishes paper by paper, ensuring a rapid publication rate. There are no page charges. PASA's Editorial Board approve a certain number of papers per year to be made freely available without a publication fee. Cover image: Created by Natasha Hurley-Walker (Curtin / ICRAR) and the GLEAM Team. Please contact Natasha via nhw at icrar.org if you would like to use this image.

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