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Landscape response to hydroclimate variability shown by the post-Bonneville Flood (ca. 18 ka) fluvial-geomorphic history of the middle Snake River, Idaho, USA
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 December 2022
The fluvial geomorphology and stratigraphy on the middle Snake River at Bancroft Springs, Idaho, provide evidence for numerous episodes of Snake River aggradation and incision since the Bonneville Flood at ca. 18 ka. A suite of seven terraces ranging from 20–1 m above modern bankfull elevation records multiple cut-and-fill cycles during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene in response to local base-level controls, variations in sediment supply, and hydroclimate change. Radiocarbon and luminescence dating show that the ages of fluvial aggradation generally coincide with increased sediment supply and likely wetter hydroclimate during onset of the Younger Dryas stadial (ca. 13.2 ka), deglaciation and termination of the Younger Dryas stadial (ca. 11.3 ka), Early Holocene cooling (ca. 8.8 ka), and Neoglacial (ca. 4.5, 2.9, 1.1 ka). Six intervening periods of incision and channel stability may also reflect either reduced sediment supply, drier hydroclimate, or both. The terrace chronology can be correlated to a variety of local and regional paleoclimate proxy records and corresponds well with periods of continental- and global-scale rapid climate change during the Holocene. The fluvial record demonstrates the geomorphic response and sensitivity of large river systems to changes in hydroclimate variability, which has important implications for inferring paleoenvironmental conditions in the region.
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- Research Article
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- Copyright © University of Washington. Published by Cambridge University Press, 2022
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