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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 March 2016
The inseparability of national identity and Catholicism in modern Spain has never been more pugnaciously and confidently affirmed than in the provocative hyperbole of Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo. ‘Spain, evangeliser of half the globe; Spain, hammer of heretics, light of Trent, sword of Rome, cradle of Saint Ignatius . . .; that is our greatness and our unity: we have no other’. This uncompromising statement undoubtedly owes some of its stridency to the age of the author when he wrote it—he was twenty-five—and something to his abiding convictions and temperament. But one does not have to search very assiduously this most famous defence of catholic orthodoxy as the source of Spanish grandeur in order to realise that Menéndez y Pelayo’s fervour and language are both sharpened by nostalgia. Volumes six and seven of his history of Spanish heterodoxy which trace the history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries constitute one long lament for lost catholic unity, lost cultural homogeneity and, lost with them, an irretrievable simplicity and clarity of national self-definition. When he wrote his eloquent and audacious lament in the early 1880s he was well aware that the uniformity of religious belief which he had unhesitatingly discerned beneath minor, and usually imported, heterodoxy in earlier Spanish history already belonged irrecuperably to the past. Moreover, he found himself as many lesser followers were also to do in the uncomfortably Canute-like position of opposing the uncontrollable while asserting an ideal which had to be articulated as a series of negative and necessarily unsatisfactory defensive reactions.
1 Menéndez, M. y Pelayo, , Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles, 8 vols (Buenos Aires 1945) 7 P 558 Google Scholar; originally published 3 vols (1880-2).
2 Ibid 6 p 17.
3 See Benavides Gómez, D., Democracia y Cristianismo en la España de la Restauración 1875-1931(Madrid 1978)Google Scholar pt 1, for a full discussion.
4 See Turin, Y., Education et L’Ecole en Espagne 1874-1902 (Paris 1959) pp 348-56Google Scholar.
5 For southern peasants, see the classic study by Moral, J.Díaz del, Historia de las Agitaciones Campesinas Andaluzas (Madrid 1977) pp 200, 353-4Google Scholar, originally published 1928, and more recently Kaplan, T., Anarchists of Andalusia 1868-1903 (Princeton 1977) pp 85-6Google Scholar.
6 The most sustained exploitation of this terminology is probably in the proceedings of the Catholic Congresses, Crónica del Congreso Católico (Madrid 1889), (Zaragoza 1891), (Seville 1893), (Tarragona 1894), (Burgos 1899), (Santiago 1903)Google Scholar.
7 Troeltsch, E., The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches, trans Wyon, O., 2 vols (London 1956) 2 p 1008 Google Scholar.
8 For the aims and personnel of this pioneering institute see Luzuriaga, L., La Institución Libre de Enseñanza y la Educación en España (Buenos Aires 1957)Google Scholar.
9 Ganivet, A., Idearium Español, trans Carey, J.R. (London 1946) p 130 Google Scholar.
10 Niebuhr, H.R., Christ and Culture (New York 1951) pt 3 Google Scholar.
11 The postition was stated in a collective pastoral letter of 1 July 1937; it is reprinted in Documentos Colectivos [del Episcopado Español 1870-1974], ed Iribarren, [J.] (Madrid 1974) pp 219-42Google Scholar.
12 Information from Silió, C. y Cortés, , La Educación Nacional (Madrid 1914) p 32 Google Scholar.
13 Quoted in Entralgo, P.Laín, España Como Problema (2 ed Madrid 1957) p 654 Google Scholar(originally published 1948), and in Molleda, M.D.Gómez, Los Reformadores de la España Contemporánea (Madrid 1966) p 496 Google Scholar.
14 See for example the preamble to the major educational reform law promulgated in the Real Decreto of 17 August 1901, in which some of the financial problems are acknowledged.
15 For a discussion of the impasse over the army see Boyd, C.P., Praetorian Politics in Liberal Spain (Chapel Hill 1979)Google Scholar.
16 See Pintado, A.Molero, La Reforma Educativa de la Segunda República Española. Primer Bienio (Madrid 1977)Google Scholar.
17 Castells, J.M., Las Asociaciones Religiosas en la España Contemporánea (Madrid 1973)Google Scholar cap 4 is the most detailed consideration of the legal position of the religious congregations and their opponents. For an exposition of the wider political conflicts see Gallego, J.A., La Polítìca Religiosa en España 1889-1913 (Madrid 1975 Google Scholar.
18 For example the bishop of Vitoria in a pastoral letter of 11 February 1899, in Boletín Eclesiástico del Obispado de Vitoria, 35 (1899) pp 45-68.
19 Amado, R.Ruiz, Razón y Fe 25 (Madrid 1909) pp 5 seq Google Scholar.
20 Ibid pp 413 seq.
21 Hermanos de las Escuelas Christianas, Historia de la Iglesia Católica (Madrid, Barcelona, no date but c1922) pp 351-2.
22 Razón y Fe 7 (1903) p 189, 23 (1909) P 330.
23 Boletín Eclesiástico del Obispado de Vitoria 35 (1899) pp 315-16.
24 In Iribarren, Documentos Colectivos pp 116-17.
25 For example the letter drawn up by cardinal Segura 25 July 1931, in ibid pp 135-50.
26 Colegio Santiago Apóstol. Memoria Escolar 1931-2 (Bilbao 1932) p 11.
27 Manual de la Clase 2 para alumnas de los Colegios del Sagrado Corazón (Madrid 1908) pp 205-6.
28 For a typical justification of the coup, see Izaga, L. S. J. article, Razón y Fe 81 (1927) PP 43 Google Scholar seq.
29 Quoted in ibid 7 (1903) p 184 from a parliamentary debate.
30 Morote, L., Los Frailes en España (Madrid 1904)Google Scholar reached similar totals of 40,000 nuns and 10,000 male religious from different sources from those given here in a speech by Romanones quoted in ibid p 180.
31 J. M. Castells, Las Asociaciones Religiosas en la España Contemporánea p 376.
32 Razón y Fe 76 (1926) pp 276 seq.
33 Figures from, respectively, Gabriel, C., La Obra Lasaliana en España (Madrid, no date but C1953) Appendix 3, table 1Google Scholar; Caballero, V., En Propia Defensa: La Obra de las Escuelas Pías de España (Madrid 1931)Google Scholar (pamphlet); Catalogue de la Société du Sacré Coeur de Jésus (1876, 1931) and Religiosas del Corazón, Sagrado, Cien Años de Educación Christiana 1846-1946 (Zaragoza 1946) pp 91-2Google Scholar.
34 For the background of the members of one particular Sacred Heart community, see Lannon, F., ‘The Socio-political Role of the Spanish Church—a Case Study’, Journal of Contemporary History, 14 (London 1979) pp 194-6Google Scholar.
35 Information on the De La Salle from manuscript paper prepared for me by brother Josué in Bilbao, April 1974; on the Marists, obituary of brother Agustín, Antonio in Norte. (Revista Mensual de la Provincia Marista de Este Nombre) 5 (Madrid 1957-60) p 29 Google Scholar.
36 ‘Registro del Noviciado de la Provincia Marista Norte’, manuscript in provincial archives of the congregation, Valmaseda.
37 See Lannon, F., ‘A Basque Challenge to the Pre-Civil War Spanish Church’ European Studies Review 9 (London 1979) pp 30-1Google Scholar.
38 Razón y Fe 71 (1925) pp 288 seq.
39 Escuelas y Patronato de Orbreros de San Vicente de Paúl de Bilbao. Memoria 1895-6 (Bilbao 1897) especially p 14, and Génesis e Historia de la Fundación Católica de Escuelas y Patronato de San Vicente de Paúl de Bilbao (Bilbao 1952).
40 Text in Venero, M. García, Historia del Nacionalismo Vasco (Madrid 1968) pp 281-3Google Scholar.
41 Text in Tirado, M. y Rojas, , León XIII y España (Madrid, no date) p 91 Google Scholar.
42 ‘Ibar’ (in fact, Justo María Mocoroa), Genio y Lengua (Tolosa 1935) p 183, and Claudio Gallástegui in interview in Bilbao, March 1974.
43 Moriones, I., Euzkadi y el Vaticano 1935-6 (Rome 1976)Google Scholar collects all the relevent documentation and prints it in full. The information in these paragraphs is taken from documents 4 and 11, drafts of the exposition being prepared for Rome, pp 20-65, 82-102.
44 Justo María Mocoroa’s autobiographical account was prepared for me in Bilbao, April 1974.
45 Information from duplicated account by P. Galdeano, ‘Apuntes para la historia de la provincia de Vasconia’ privately circulated in 1965. Fr Galdeano was the provincial concerned.
46 Mensajero del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Bilbao 1898) p 526, (1922) p 301, (1902) p 103. (1931)P 578.
47 Ibid (1902) p 165.
48 Hermes 50 (Bilbao 1919) p 366.
49 For this gradual change, see Tusell, J., Historia de la Democracia Christiana en España 2 vols (Madrid 1974) 2 cap 1Google Scholar.
50 Iribarren, Documentos Colectivos pp 230-1.
51 All quotations from a survey of the literature by Urbina, F. in Iglesia y Sociedad en España (Madrid 1977) pp 85–120 Google Scholar. See also Bolado, A. Alvarez, El Experimento del Nacional-Catolicismo (1939-73) (Madrid 1976)Google Scholar, and an earlier essay in demystification by Southworth, H. R., El Mito de la Cruzada de Franco (Paris 1963)Google Scholar.
52 Texts in Montero, J. R., La CEDA. El Catolicismo Social y Politico en la Segunda República, 2 vols (Madrid 1977) 2 pp 593-5, 601-11, 621-37Google Scholar.
53 Castillo, J. J., Propietarios Muy Pobres (Madrid 1979) pp 9—18;Google Scholar Preston, P., The Coming of the Spanish Civil War (London 1978) pp 30-2CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
54 As both Castillo and Preston point out in the passages cited.