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Since 1958, the Central European History Society (CEHS) has furthered scholarly discussion and activities in the fields of German, Habsburg and Central European history. In addition to supporting the group’s journal Central European History, a recognized journal of excellence, the Society sponsors panels at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting and awards prestigious prizes and travel grants.

Central European History

Central European History offers articles, review essays, and book reviews that range widely through the history of Germany, Austria, and other German-speaking regions of Central Europe from the medieval era to the present. All topics and approaches to history are welcome

Support the Society

Please consider contributing to the CEHS Endowment Fund - your tax-deductible donation will support our good work for years to come.

Book and Article Prizes

The Central European History Society recognizes outstanding scholarship by awarding prestigious book and article prizes. The book prize is given annually for the best new monograph in Central European history. The article prize is awarded every two years for the best article on Central European history.