$x\in [0,1)$ be an irrational number and let
$x=[a_{1}(x),a_{2}(x),\ldots ]$ be its continued fraction expansion with partial quotients
$\{a_{n}(x): n\geq 1\}$. Given a natural number m and a vector
$(x_{1},\ldots ,x_{m})\in [0,1)^{m},$ we derive the asymptotic behaviour of the shortest distance function
$$ \begin{align*} M_{n,m}(x_{1},\ldots,x_{m})=\max\{k\in \mathbb{N}: a_{i+j}(x_{1})=\cdots= a_{i+j}(x_{m}) \ \text{for}~ j=1,\ldots,k \mbox{ and some } i \mbox{ with } 0\leq i \leq n-k\}, \end{align*} $$
which represents the run-length of the longest block of the same symbol among the first n partial quotients of
$(x_{1},\ldots ,x_{m}).$ We also calculate the Hausdorff dimension of the level sets and exceptional sets arising from the shortest distance function.