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  • No longer published by Cambridge University Press
  • ISSN: 1321-8166 (Print), 2049-7792 (Online)
Cambridge University Press ceases publication of Queensland Review on completion of Volume 28 / 2021. From Issue 1 of Volume 29/ 2022, the Journal will be published by Equinox. Please visit the new website at:

Published in association with Griffith University Queensland Review is a multi-disciplinary journal of Australian Studies which focuses on the history, literature, culture, society, politics and environment of the state of Queensland. Queensland’s relations with Asia, the Pacific islands and Papua New Guinea are a particular focus of the journal, as are comparative studies with other regions. In addition to scholarly articles, Queensland Review publishes commentaries, interviews, and book reviews.

Queensland Review is the only refereed journal devoted to multi-disciplinary Queensland Studies, and provides a unique forum for new research on Queensland.

Cambridge Core blog

  • Surviving the Apocalypse: Catastrophe Archaeology in Japan
  • 26 July 2024, Junzo Uchiyama and Peter Jordan
  • [Aerial view of the southern half of Tanegashima Island. Pyroclastic flows swept in and entirely devastated ecosystems in Southern Tanegashima (credit: Junzo Junzo Uchiyama (Kanazawa University, Japan) and Peter Jordan (Lund University, Sweden) In June this year, CALDERA, the new Nordic-Japan research programme on “Catastrophe Archaeology” was awarded Antiquity’s Ben Cullen Prize 2024 for its opening pilot-study of human responses to the Holocene’s largest ever volcanic eruption.…...