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About this series

Studies of transportation services can be broadly categorized into two fields: transportation engineering and transportation economics.  Topics in engineering include logistics, supply chain and routing strategies, while topics in economics include rate and entry regulation, privatization, liberalization, competition, and cost analysis.   Even though this series focuses on topics in transport economics, economic researchers have included analysis of traditional engineering topics in their coverage of transportation services. Contributions to the series will present research that is of interest not only to individuals from academia, but also to readers from the government and private sector with training in economics at the master’s level or higher.  The exposition of each volume will allow for accessibility across this broad readership base. 

The following non-exhaustive list of topics is provided for the prospective authors’ guidance. Submissions on other topics in the area will be considered.

  • Transportation science (planning and design methodologies, performance evaluation)
  • Transportation modes
  • Government policies in transport industries
  • Economic theory of transportation
  • Transport operations
  • Business strategies in transportation
  • Networks and distribution systems
  • Demand for and supply of transportation services
  • Transport infrastructure and technology investment
  • Transportation and land use
  • Supply chain operations
  • External effects of transport operations (pollution, congestion)
  • Transportation and the climate change
  • Passenger decision theory

The Editors welcome informal inquiries from the prospective authors interested in preparing a proposal for the series.


Reader accessibility is achieved in part by providing a publishing format that offers authors the latitude to explore in depth the background development of conceptual frameworks and the institutional histories used to examine topics in in this field.  The 20-30,000 word format also allows for detailed presentations of contemporary empirical techniques used to test the predictive powers of the prescribed conceptual models. The analysis is supplemented with references, directing the interested reader to sources that can be used to gain deeper insights.  Authors are encouraged to provide readers access to program codes and simulation examples used for empirical analysis.  

Submission Instructions

The Editors welcome submissions of proposals (both single-authored and co-authored) for the Elements of Transport Economics series on an ongoing basis. Submit the proposal (up to three pages) via email to one of the Editors. The proposal should outline the issues that will be covered in the proposed title; as well as compare and contrast the proposed title to the leading similar books or other publications on the topic. The proposal should both demonstrate the title’s fit with the Elements concept and stress the value-added of the proposed title as compared to the competing publications.

 All proposals will go through double-blind peer review.

About the Editors

Volodymyr Bilotkach is Associate Professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology. He was, until quite recently, Senior Lecturer in Economics at Newcastle University. He has also previously taught at the University of California, Irvine, and Northumbria University; and held short-term appointments with Kyiv School of Economics, Korea University, ZEW in Mannheim, and Hiroshima University. Dr Bilotkach is Associate Editor of Journal of Air Transport Management, and serves on the editorial boards of Research in Transportation Economics and Transport Policy. He is also the author of the book Economics of Airlines, published in 2017.

Janny Leung is Professor at the University of Macau affiliated with the State Key Lab of Internet of Things for Smart City. She obtained an S.B. degree in Applied Mathematics from Radcliffe College, a B.A. in Mathematics from Oxford University and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Before returning to Hong Kong, she was a faculty member at Yale University and the University of Arizona. She serves on the editorial boards of EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics (since 2011), Transportation Science (since 2009), OMEGA (since 2014), Operations Research (since 2018) and Naval Research Logistics (since 2001). In 2014, she was elected as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, and appointed to the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (LOGSCOUNCIL). She was elected a Fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Informs) in 2020.

James Peoples is Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California at Berkeley. He has served as President of the Transportation and Public Utilities Group (TPUG) of the Allied Social Sciences Association and is currently Secretary of TPUG. He is also an editorial board member of Transport Policy as well as the series editor of Advances in Airline Economics. His current research interests include analysis of production efficiency for different modes of freight transportation.

Contact the Editors

If you would like more information about this series, or are interested in writing an Element, please email the editors:

Volodymyr Bilotkach

Janny Leung

James Peoples