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Read and Publish agreement with Croatian Academic and Research Library Consortium (CALC) - Croatia

This agreement applies to articles accepted BEFORE 31 December 2020.

If you are affiliated with a participating institution, you can publish your article Open Access (OA) - at no cost to you - in gold and hybrid journals. In addition, you can enjoy access to Cambridge University Press journals content.

To be eligible, articles must:

How to publish Open Access under this agreement:

1. Check your eligibility

2. Submit your research

  • Submit your research using your institutional affiliation (ideally using an ORCID iD). Publishing OA under this agreement is only available in journals package listed here - click here to view journals covered by the agreement.
  • Article types covered by this agreement are research articles, review articles and rapid communications - click here for definitions.
  • Articles submitted by eligible corresponding authors qualify for this agreement upon the date the article accepted for publication, from or after 1 January 2020 through 31 December 2020. The ongoing eligibility of articles beyond 31 December 2020 is dependent on renewal of the agreement.

3. Complete your OA publishing agreement

4. Institutional approval

  • Corresponding authors affiliated with participating institutions, publishing research articles in eligible journals as listed above, will have their APC fully covered by their institution. 
  • Final approval for OA funding may be determined by your library.
  • Our service provider Rightslink will then contact you to confirm funding approval.

5. Publication

Need help?

If you have any questions, please contact or visit our Publishing Open Access information page.