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> Essentials of Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics

Essentials of Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics


Geoffrey K. Vallis, University of Exeter
Published 2019


This is a modern, introductory textbook on the dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean, with a healthy dose of geophysical fluid dynamics. It will be invaluable for intermediate to advanced undergraduate and graduate students in meteorology, oceanography, mathematics, and physics. It is unique in taking the reader from very basic concepts to the forefront of research. It also forms an excellent refresher for researchers in atmospheric science and oceanography. It differs from other books at this level in both style…

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Key features

  • Provides more introductory and more concise coverage of ocean-atmosphere dynamics than the author's comprehensive volume Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Large-Scale Circulation, 2nd edition (Cambridge, 2017)
  • The parent book is the market-leading advanced reference textbook on atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, but at nearly 1000 pages, is too long and advanced for many students and courses: Essentials is much more accessible
  • Written by Geoffrey K. Vallis, a world leader in atmospheric and oceanic dynamics

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