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Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition and is no longer available for personal or institutional sales. This will not affect access for customers who have previously redeemed access codes or purchased the title via ecommerce.


, University of California, San Diego, , IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, New York
Published 2009


Learn the basic properties and designs of modern VLSI devices, as well as the factors affecting performance, with this thoroughly updated second edition. The first edition has been widely adopted as a standard textbook in microelectronics in many major US universities and worldwide. The internationally renowned authors highlight the intricate interdependencies and subtle trade-offs between various practically important device parameters, and provide an in-depth discussion of device scaling and scaling limits of CMOS and bipolar devices. Equations and parameters provided…

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Key features

  • Two new chapters cover read and write operations of commonly used SRAM, DRAM and non-volatile memory arrays, in addition to silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices
  • 18 useful appendices discuss topics such as spatial variation of quasi-Fermi potentials and power gain of a two-port network
  • New homework exercises at the end of every chapter engage students with real-life problems and test their understanding

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