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> Introduction to Computational Materials Science

Introduction to Computational Materials Science Fundamentals to Applications


Richard LeSar, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Published 2013


Emphasising essential methods and universal principles, this textbook provides everything students need to understand the basics of simulating materials behaviour. All the key topics are covered from electronic structure methods to microstructural evolution, appendices provide crucial background material, and a wealth of practical resources are available online to complete the teaching package. Modelling is examined at a broad range of scales, from the atomic to the mesoscale, providing students with a solid foundation for future study and research. Detailed, accessible…

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Key features

  • Examines modelling materials across a broad range of scales, from the atomic to the mesoscale, providing students with a solid foundation for future study and research
  • Presents detailed, accessible explanations of the fundamental equations underpinning materials modelling and includes a full chapter summarising essential mathematical background
  • Extensive appendices, including essential background on classical and quantum mechanics, electrostatics, statistical thermodynamics and linear elasticity, provide students with all the background necessary to fully engage with the fundamentals of computational modelling

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