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> Latin American Politics and Society

Latin American Politics and Society


Gerardo L. Munck, University of Southern California, Juan Pablo Luna, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Published 2022


Taking a fresh thematic approach to politics and society in Latin America, this introductory textbook analyzes the region's past and present in an accessible and engaging style well-suited to undergraduate students. The book provides historical insights into modern states and critical issues they are facing, with insightful analyses that are supported by empirical data, maps and timelines. Drawing upon cutting-edge research, the text considers critical topics relevant to all countries within the region such as the expansion of democracy and…

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Key features

  • Content is organized thematically rather than by country, providing students with a cohesive narrative of political and social issues facing Latin American countries today
  • Grounds students in the realities of different Latin American countries by connecting concepts to contemporary issues, using an empirical analysis of data to illustrate what is at stake
  • Enhances student understanding and engagement with key concepts that are clearly framed at the start of each chapter
  • Empowers students to engage with the history of regions by presenting key developments in tables, maps, and timelines

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