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Chapter 7: Planning and executing the creative appeal

Chapter 7: Planning and executing the creative appeal

pp. 239-280


, Macquarie University, Sydney
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In chapter 6, we discussed what an advertising creative idea is and how to increase the probability of finding the big idea. But what happens after that? Ideally, we should pre-test the idea (see chapter 12). But to do so, we need to first create the ad, sometimes called ‘execution’. Things can still go wrong if the creative idea is not well executed, no matter how good it is. For instance, if the copy is difficult to comprehend, the humour is irrelevant, or the celebrity chosen does not fit the brand and so on. The aim of this chapter is to discuss how executional tactics can be used effectively. The discussion centres on what creative execution means and explains the difference between creative execution and the creative idea, stressing that executions must be guided by the creative idea. Under some circumstances, the creative execution is also the creative idea. We will also discuss different types of executional tactics and how to use them properly.


  • integrated marketing communications
  • marketing
  • communications
  • principles
  • integration
  • evidence-based
  • creativity
  • appeal
  • executional tactic
  • endorsement

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