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Sustainable Engineering Principles and Practice


, Ohio State University
Published 2019


Drawing on multidisciplinary perspectives from engineering, economics, business, science, and human behavior, this text presents an unrivalled introduction to how engineering practice can contribute to sustainable development. Varied approaches for assessing the sustainability of engineering and other human activities are presented in detail, and potential solutions to meet key challenges are proposed, with an emphasis on those that require engineering skills. Each concept and approach is supported by mathematical representation, solved problems, real-world examples, and self-study exercises. Topics covered range…

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Key features

  • Has multidisciplinary appeal, with perspectives from engineering, economics and the social sciences
  • Adaptable to students from a range of backgrounds, covering both introductory as well as mathematically rigorous advanced topics
  • Benefits from nearly 100 worked examples and over 200 end-of-chapter exercises

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