Draft Competition Act 2011
Bangladesh Laws (Revision and Declaration) Act 1973
Competition Act 2012
Constitution of Bangladesh 1972
Competition Policy 2015
Competition Policy 2020
Consumer Protection Act 2012
Information, Communications and Media Act 2018
Government of India Act 1935
Indian Independence Act 1947
Competition (Amendment) Act 2007
Competition Act 2002
Competition Bill 2020
Competition Commission of India (Selection of Chairperson and other Members of the Commission) Rules 2003
Constitution of India 1950
Consumer Protection (E-commerce) Rules 2020.
Finance Act 2017
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1969
S.O. 1198(E) dated 14.10.2003
S.O. 1240(E) dated 15.05.2009
S.O. 1241(E) dated 15.05.2009
S.O. 1242(E) dated 15.05.2009
S.O. 340(E) dated 31.03.2003
S.O. 715(E) dated 19.06.2003
The Competition Commission of India (Lesser Penalty) Regulations 2009
Competition Promotion and Market Protection Act 2063 (2007)
Consumer Protection Act 2054 (1998)
Electronics Trading Act (2063) 2008
Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 (2007)
Privacy Act (2075) 2018
The Consumer Protection Act (2075) 2018
Competition Appellate Tribunal Rules 2015
Competition Commission (General Enforcement) Regulations 2007
Competition Commission (Salary, Terms and Conditions of Chairman and Members) Rules 2009
Competition Ordinance 2007
Competition Ordinance 2009
Competition Ordinance 2010
Constitution (Amendment) Order 2007
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973
Laws (Continuance in Force) Order 1958
Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance, 1970
Notification No. F.15(1)/2010-A.V dated 27.07.2011
Notification No. F.21(1)/2011-Admn-III dated 29.05.2012
Ordinance No. CI of 2002
Ordinance No. LVI of 1980
Ordinance No. XIV of 1982
Ordinance No. XXVI of 1980
Personal Data Protection Bill 2020
Proclamation of Emergency and Provisional Constitutional Order No. 1 of 2007
Provisional Constitution Order 1969
Sri Lanka
Consumer Affairs Authority Act 2003
Draft Personal Data Protection Act 2019
Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Act 2017
Electronic Transactions Act 2006
Fair Trading Commission Act 1987
Information and Communication Technology (Amendment) Act 2008
Information and Communication Technology Act 2003
Notice on agreements of minor importance which do not appreciably restrict competition under Article 101(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (2014/C 291/01)
Treaty for the Functioning of Europe (TFEU)
EU Guidelines on Application of Article 81
Clayton Act, ch. 323, 38 Stat. 730 (1914)
The Sherman Act 1890 15 U.S.C. §§ 1-38
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 330/2010 of 20.04.2010
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 461/2010 of 27.05. 2010
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1217/2010 of 14.12.2010
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1218/2010 of 14.12.2010