Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE EIGHTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of two ships, whereof the one was called The Dominus vobiscum, set out the 20 of May 1527, for the discovery of the North parts
- The voyage of M. Hore, and divers other gentlemen to Newfoundland, and Cape Briton, in the yere 1536
- An act against the exaction of money or any other thing by any officer for licence to traffique into New foundland and Iseland, made Anno 2. Edwardi sexti
- A letter written to M. Richard Hakluyt of the Midle Temple, contayning a report of the true state and commodities of Newfoundland
- The letters patents granted by her Majestie to sir Humfrey Gilbert knight, for inhabiting some part of America 1578
- A learned and stately Poeme written in Latine Hexamiters by Stephanus Parmenius Budeius, concerning the voyage of sir Humfrey Gilbert to Newfound-land, for the planting of an English colonie there, containing also a briefe remembrance of certaine of our principal English captaines by sea
- The voyage of Sir Humfrey Gilbert to Newfoundland, An. 1583
- Orders agreed upon by the Captaines and Masters, to bee observed by the fleete of sir Humfrey Gilbert
- A briefe relation of Newfound-land, and the commodities thereof
- Reckonings of the Master and Masters mate of the Admirall of sir Humfrey Gilbert in their course from cape Race to cape Briton, and to the Isle of Sablon
- The maner how the sayd Admirall was lost
- A letter of the learned Hungarian Stephanus Parmenius Budeius to master Richard Hakluyt the collectour of these voyages
- A relation of Richard Clarke of Weymouth master of the ship called The Delight, which went as Admirall of sir Humfrey Gilberts fleete for the discoverie of Norumbega 1583: written in excuse of the casting away the sayd ship and the men, imputed to his oversight
- A discourse of the necessitie and commoditie of planting English colonies upon the North partes of America
- A letter of the right honourable sir Francis Walsingham to master Richard Hakluyt then of Christchurch in Oxford, incouraging him in the studie of Cosmography, and furthering of new discoveries 1582
- A letter of the right honourable sir Francis Walsingham to master Thomas Aldworth marchant, and at that time Mayor of the citie of Bristol, concerning their adventure in the Westerne discoverie 1582
- A letter written from master Aldworth marchant and mayor of the citie of Bristol, to the right honourable sir Francis Walsingham, concerning a voyage intended for the discoverie of the coast of America lying to the Southwest of cape Briton 1583
- A briefe and summarie discourse upon a voyage intended to the hithermost parts of America
- Articles set downe by the committies appointed on the behalfe of the company of the Moscovian marchants, to conferre with master Carlile upon his intended discovery of the hithermost partes of America
- The first discovery of the isle of Ramea, made by for Monsieur de la court pre Ravillon & grand pre, with the ship called The Bonaventure, to kill and make trane-oile of the beasts called The Morses, with great teeth, Anno 1591
- A letter sent to the right honourable sir William Cecil Lord Burghley, Lord high Treasurer of England &c. from master Thomas James of Bristol, concerning the discoverie of the Isle of Ramea 1591
- A briefe note of the Morse, and of the use thereof
- The voyage of the ship called The Marigolde of M. Hill of Redriffe, unto Cape Briton and beyond, to the latitude of 44 degrees and a halfe, Anno 1593
- The voyage of M. George Drake of Apsham, to the isle of Ramea, in the yeere 1593
- The voyage of The Grace of Bristoll, up into the gulfe of S. Laurence to the Northwest of Newfoundland, as far as the isle of Assumption or Natiscotec, Anno 1594
- The voyage of M. Charles Leigh, and divers others, to Cape Briton and the isle of Ramea, 1597
- Certaine observations touching the countries and places where master Charles Leigh touched in his voyage to cape Briton, and to the Isle of Ramea anno 1597
- The first voyage of Jaques Cartier of Saint Malo, to Newfound-land, the gulfe of Saint Laurence, and the Grand Bay, Anno 1534
- Divers words of the language spoken in New France, with the interpretation thereof
- The second voyage of Jaques Cartier by the Grand bay up the river of Canada to Hochelaga, Anno 1535
- The third voyage of Jaques Cartier unto the countries of Canada, Hochelaga, and Saguenay, Anno 1540
- A description of the river and haven of Saincte Croix
- A description of the 3 saults or falles of water in the river of Canada
- A letter written to M. John Groute student in Paris by Jaques Noel of Saint Malo the nephew of Jaques Cartier, touching the discoverie of his uncle in the partes of Canada 1587
- Part of another letter
- An excellent ruttier shewing the course from Belle isle, Carpont, and the Grand bay up the river of Canada for the space of 230 leagues
- The voyage of John Francis de la Roche knight, lord of Roberval, with three tall ships to the countries of Canada, Hochelaga, and Saguenay, 1542
- A description of the Salvages in Canada
- The voyage of Monsieur Roberval from his Fort in Canada unto Saguenay, the fifth of June, 1543
- The letters patents granted by the Queenes Majestie to sir Walter Ralegh, for the discovering, and planting of new lands and countries, Anno 1584
- The first voyage made to the coast of Virginia
- The second voyage made to Virginia by sir Richard Grinvile for sir Walter Ralegh, Anno 1585: at what time the first colonie of English was there left under the government of M. Ralfe Lane, now knight
- The names of those, aswell gentlemen as others, that remained one whole yeere in Virginia, under the government of M. Ralph Lane
- An extract of M. Ralph Lanes letter to M. Richard Hakluyt esquire, and another Gentleman of the middle Temple from Virginia 1585
- An account of the particular employments of the Englishmen left in Virginia by S. Richard Grinvile under M. Ralph Lane their generall, from the 17. of August 1585. untill the 18. of June 1586. at which time they departed the countrey
- The third voyage to Virginia made by a ship sent in the yeere 1586. for the reliefe of the colonie planted in Virginia, at the sole charges of sir Walter Ralegh
- A briefe and true report of the commodities aswell marchantable as others, which are to be found and raised in the countrey of Virginia, written by M. Thomas Harriot: together with Master Ralph Lane his approbation thereof in all points
- A description of the nature and maners of the people of Virginia
- The fourth voyage made to Virginia with 3. ships, Anno 1587. wherein was transported the second colonie
- The names of all the men, women, and children which safely arrived in Virginia, and remayned to inhabite there Anno 1587
- A letter of M. John White to M. Richard Hakluyt written in February 1593
- The fifth voyage to Virginia made by master John White in the yeere 1590
- The voyage of John de Verazzano a Florentine to the coast of Florida, sailing from thence Northerly to the latitude of 50. degrees, Anno 1524
- An Epistle Dedicatorie to sir Walter Ralegh, prefixed by master Richard Hakluyt before the history of Florida, which he translated out of French 1587
- The Preface of master René Laudonniere before the sayd Historie
- A description of the West Indies in general, but more chiefly & particularly of Florida
- The voyage of captaine John Ribault to Florida, 1562
- An oration of captaine John Ribault to his company
- Map
The maner how the sayd Admirall was lost
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE EIGHTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of two ships, whereof the one was called The Dominus vobiscum, set out the 20 of May 1527, for the discovery of the North parts
- The voyage of M. Hore, and divers other gentlemen to Newfoundland, and Cape Briton, in the yere 1536
- An act against the exaction of money or any other thing by any officer for licence to traffique into New foundland and Iseland, made Anno 2. Edwardi sexti
- A letter written to M. Richard Hakluyt of the Midle Temple, contayning a report of the true state and commodities of Newfoundland
- The letters patents granted by her Majestie to sir Humfrey Gilbert knight, for inhabiting some part of America 1578
- A learned and stately Poeme written in Latine Hexamiters by Stephanus Parmenius Budeius, concerning the voyage of sir Humfrey Gilbert to Newfound-land, for the planting of an English colonie there, containing also a briefe remembrance of certaine of our principal English captaines by sea
- The voyage of Sir Humfrey Gilbert to Newfoundland, An. 1583
- Orders agreed upon by the Captaines and Masters, to bee observed by the fleete of sir Humfrey Gilbert
- A briefe relation of Newfound-land, and the commodities thereof
- Reckonings of the Master and Masters mate of the Admirall of sir Humfrey Gilbert in their course from cape Race to cape Briton, and to the Isle of Sablon
- The maner how the sayd Admirall was lost
- A letter of the learned Hungarian Stephanus Parmenius Budeius to master Richard Hakluyt the collectour of these voyages
- A relation of Richard Clarke of Weymouth master of the ship called The Delight, which went as Admirall of sir Humfrey Gilberts fleete for the discoverie of Norumbega 1583: written in excuse of the casting away the sayd ship and the men, imputed to his oversight
- A discourse of the necessitie and commoditie of planting English colonies upon the North partes of America
- A letter of the right honourable sir Francis Walsingham to master Richard Hakluyt then of Christchurch in Oxford, incouraging him in the studie of Cosmography, and furthering of new discoveries 1582
- A letter of the right honourable sir Francis Walsingham to master Thomas Aldworth marchant, and at that time Mayor of the citie of Bristol, concerning their adventure in the Westerne discoverie 1582
- A letter written from master Aldworth marchant and mayor of the citie of Bristol, to the right honourable sir Francis Walsingham, concerning a voyage intended for the discoverie of the coast of America lying to the Southwest of cape Briton 1583
- A briefe and summarie discourse upon a voyage intended to the hithermost parts of America
- Articles set downe by the committies appointed on the behalfe of the company of the Moscovian marchants, to conferre with master Carlile upon his intended discovery of the hithermost partes of America
- The first discovery of the isle of Ramea, made by for Monsieur de la court pre Ravillon & grand pre, with the ship called The Bonaventure, to kill and make trane-oile of the beasts called The Morses, with great teeth, Anno 1591
- A letter sent to the right honourable sir William Cecil Lord Burghley, Lord high Treasurer of England &c. from master Thomas James of Bristol, concerning the discoverie of the Isle of Ramea 1591
- A briefe note of the Morse, and of the use thereof
- The voyage of the ship called The Marigolde of M. Hill of Redriffe, unto Cape Briton and beyond, to the latitude of 44 degrees and a halfe, Anno 1593
- The voyage of M. George Drake of Apsham, to the isle of Ramea, in the yeere 1593
- The voyage of The Grace of Bristoll, up into the gulfe of S. Laurence to the Northwest of Newfoundland, as far as the isle of Assumption or Natiscotec, Anno 1594
- The voyage of M. Charles Leigh, and divers others, to Cape Briton and the isle of Ramea, 1597
- Certaine observations touching the countries and places where master Charles Leigh touched in his voyage to cape Briton, and to the Isle of Ramea anno 1597
- The first voyage of Jaques Cartier of Saint Malo, to Newfound-land, the gulfe of Saint Laurence, and the Grand Bay, Anno 1534
- Divers words of the language spoken in New France, with the interpretation thereof
- The second voyage of Jaques Cartier by the Grand bay up the river of Canada to Hochelaga, Anno 1535
- The third voyage of Jaques Cartier unto the countries of Canada, Hochelaga, and Saguenay, Anno 1540
- A description of the river and haven of Saincte Croix
- A description of the 3 saults or falles of water in the river of Canada
- A letter written to M. John Groute student in Paris by Jaques Noel of Saint Malo the nephew of Jaques Cartier, touching the discoverie of his uncle in the partes of Canada 1587
- Part of another letter
- An excellent ruttier shewing the course from Belle isle, Carpont, and the Grand bay up the river of Canada for the space of 230 leagues
- The voyage of John Francis de la Roche knight, lord of Roberval, with three tall ships to the countries of Canada, Hochelaga, and Saguenay, 1542
- A description of the Salvages in Canada
- The voyage of Monsieur Roberval from his Fort in Canada unto Saguenay, the fifth of June, 1543
- The letters patents granted by the Queenes Majestie to sir Walter Ralegh, for the discovering, and planting of new lands and countries, Anno 1584
- The first voyage made to the coast of Virginia
- The second voyage made to Virginia by sir Richard Grinvile for sir Walter Ralegh, Anno 1585: at what time the first colonie of English was there left under the government of M. Ralfe Lane, now knight
- The names of those, aswell gentlemen as others, that remained one whole yeere in Virginia, under the government of M. Ralph Lane
- An extract of M. Ralph Lanes letter to M. Richard Hakluyt esquire, and another Gentleman of the middle Temple from Virginia 1585
- An account of the particular employments of the Englishmen left in Virginia by S. Richard Grinvile under M. Ralph Lane their generall, from the 17. of August 1585. untill the 18. of June 1586. at which time they departed the countrey
- The third voyage to Virginia made by a ship sent in the yeere 1586. for the reliefe of the colonie planted in Virginia, at the sole charges of sir Walter Ralegh
- A briefe and true report of the commodities aswell marchantable as others, which are to be found and raised in the countrey of Virginia, written by M. Thomas Harriot: together with Master Ralph Lane his approbation thereof in all points
- A description of the nature and maners of the people of Virginia
- The fourth voyage made to Virginia with 3. ships, Anno 1587. wherein was transported the second colonie
- The names of all the men, women, and children which safely arrived in Virginia, and remayned to inhabite there Anno 1587
- A letter of M. John White to M. Richard Hakluyt written in February 1593
- The fifth voyage to Virginia made by master John White in the yeere 1590
- The voyage of John de Verazzano a Florentine to the coast of Florida, sailing from thence Northerly to the latitude of 50. degrees, Anno 1524
- An Epistle Dedicatorie to sir Walter Ralegh, prefixed by master Richard Hakluyt before the history of Florida, which he translated out of French 1587
- The Preface of master René Laudonniere before the sayd Historie
- A description of the West Indies in general, but more chiefly & particularly of Florida
- The voyage of captaine John Ribault to Florida, 1562
- An oration of captaine John Ribault to his company
- Map

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014