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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
April 2014
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Book description

Steganography, the art of hiding of information in apparently innocuous objects or images, is a field with a rich heritage, and an area of rapid current development. This clear, self-contained guide shows you how to understand the building blocks of covert communication in digital media files and how to apply the techniques in practice, including those of steganalysis, the detection of steganography. Assuming only a basic knowledge in calculus and statistics, the book blends the various strands of steganography, including information theory, coding, signal estimation and detection, and statistical signal processing. Experiments on real media files demonstrate the performance of the techniques in real life, and most techniques are supplied with pseudo-code, making it easy to implement the algorithms. The book is ideal for students taking courses on steganography and information hiding, and is also a useful reference for engineers and practitioners working in media security and information assurance.


'… a very useful book for beginners in steganography and anyone who wants to learn more about the field.'

Todor Todorov Source:

'The distinguishing feature of the book is that it presents not only methods of hiding information in digital media files, but also an in-depth analysis of detecting the use of such methods (steganalysis) … excellent for teaching the subject of information hiding or security related courses. it enhances the landscape of textbooks on the subject. I am convinced that it will grip the reader as it touches on the most important aspects of steganography and steganalysis.'

Source: IEEE Communications Magazine

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