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Aims & scope

Cambridge Forum on Corporate Climate Governance is part of the Cambridge Forum series, which progresses cross-disciplinary conversations on issues of global importance. Learn more here.

Cambridge Forum on Corporate Climate Governance explores how actions to address climate change by the corporate sector can contribute to a sustainable future and the decision-making processes and legal, regulatory and financial frameworks required to facilitate this.

The journal supports the growth of academic research in this area and aims to push forward the global corporate climate agenda by using peer-reviewed research to better inform, engage and influence individuals working in or advising private-listed companies, family-owned businesses, state-owned enterprises and other corporate entities. It seeks to publish academic articles alongside contributions from non-academic experts and policymakers as well as papers jointly authored by academics and their counterparts in business.

A themed issue format is used to bring together research from the many disciplines that are fundamental to understanding corporations, including business, law, finance and more. Accessible language will promote meaningful exchanges between academics and non-academic experts in disciplines and roles with specialist terminology, where it is useful to be clear to foster mutual understanding. This is a journal for academics, legal and financial advisers, corporate executives, board members, shareholders, regulators, investors, policymakers and all individuals critical to climate action within businesses.


In line with the Cambridge Forum format, the journal publishes themed issues curated by Guest Editor(s) (see proposal process below).

Papers may only be submitted following an invitation from a Guest Editor or in response to an open call for papers for a specific themed issue.

Each themed issue will publish around eight papers (although issues may be longer) alongside an Editorial written by the Guest Editor(s). Each themed issue will welcome unsolicited submissions as well as those initially invited by the Guest Editor(s).

Dialogue between disciplines will be promoted in a number of different ways including publishing authors from multiple disciplines within one topical issue, publishing single-discipline focused issues that are written in a way that is deliberately accessible beyond that discipline, issues that proactively put together authors from multiple disciplines to write papers together and issues that include a focal piece alongside response pieces from multiple disciplines.

Article types

Article types and content formats are broad ranging and flexible to encourage full exploration of the subject matter and to ensure that a multitude of voices are heard. Guest Editors and authors have the freedom to select the article formats best suited to their themes.

Article type


Abstract required




No more than 4,000 words


Each issue should begin with an introduction or editorial that provides context to the collection.

Research article

Typically 6,000-10,000  words


Presents original research findings according to the typical research article format.


Roundtable paper

No more than 4,000 words


Considers the current ‘state of the field’, or reflects on seminal events or processes, or explores different methodological approaches or potential avenues for future research. A number of roundtable pieces will typically publish together as a cluster.


2,000-3,000  words


A space, outside of the conventional research article, where authors can offer personal perspectives on a topic or theme.

Case Study

6,000- 8,000 words


An article that provides an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case within a real world context.

Debate/Response/Position Paper

No more than 4,000 words


An opinion-style paper that makes a clear intervention or articulates an original vision.  Papers will typically publish in conversation with each other.

Policy Paper

No more than 4,000 words


A paper, informed by expertise, specifically intended to brief policymakers.



6,000-8,000  words


A discussion paper that reflects critically on a research topic or theme, rather than presenting original research.

Themed issues

Submitting a themed issue proposal

Individuals interested in proposing a topic for coverage and/or guest editing an issue should follow these instructions

Proposals should take into account the journal’s aim to publish groundbreaking or agenda setting collections on key topics relevant to the scope of the journal, to engage multiple subject disciplines, and to promote dialogue between policymakers, practitioners, professionals and academics. They should also take into account the aim to include regional perspectives and to seek to engage a broad global readership.  

We encourage submissions developed by or including scholarship from groups under-represented in academia and welcome the inclusion of early career researchers.

Proposal selection

We welcome themed issue proposals throughout the year. Proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Editors-in-Chief and their Editorial Board, based on their quality, original contribution to academic and policy discussions, the diversity of perspectives reflected in the proposed issue, and the timeliness of topic.

Paper submission/calls for papers

It is anticipated that themed issues will include papers initially invited by the Guest Editor(s) along with papers originally submitted in response to an open call. The call for papers will clearly outline the criteria against which papers will be assessed and reviewed and will typically be live for 3-6 months. Calls for papers will be publicised on the journal’s website.

Guest Editor responsibilities

Full guidelines for Guest Editors will be provided.

Guest Editors are responsible for curating a list of authors and paper topics, inviting papers for possible inclusion in the themed issue, in line with their accepted proposal, managing the peer review process (for invited and unsolicited contributions) through the online peer review system, providing feedback to authors and overseeing revisions in response to reviews, delivering the themed issue and facilitating its marketing. Following peer review of each paper, Guest Editors make a recommendation to the Editors-in-Chief, who have responsibility for all final decisions. Following acceptance of their themed issue proposal, Guest Editors will contract with Cambridge University Press for delivery of that issue and will receive an honorarium to support their work. The contract will outline the responsibilities of the Guest Editor(s) in full, including agreed timeline.