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About this journal
Experimental Economics
  • ISSN: 1386-4157 (Print), 1573-6938 (Online)
  • Frequency: 6 issues per year

Experimental Economics is the flagship journal of the Economic Science Association. We seek to publish research that uses laboratory and field experimental methods and that advances both our field of experimental economics and the discipline at large. We cover all areas of experimental economics and try particularly to bring important new developments to the attention of the field. We require that the articles that we publish apply the highest level of methodological rigor in their experimental design and data analysis.

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Experimental methods are uniquely suited to the study of many phenomena that have been difficult to observe directly in naturally occurring economic contexts. For example, the ability to induce preferences and control information structures makes it possible to isolate the effects of alternate economic structures, policies, and market institutions.

Experimental Economics is an international journal that serves the growing group of economists around the world who use experimental methods. The journal invites high-quality papers in any area of experimental research in economics and related fields (i.e. accounting, finance, political science, and the psychology of decision making). State-of-the-art theoretical work and econometric work that is motivated by experimental data is also encouraged. The journal will also consider articles with a primary focus on methodology or replication of controversial findings. We welcome experiments conducted in either the laboratory or in the field. The relevant data can be decisions or non-choice data such as physiological measurements. However, we only consider studies that do not employ deception of participants and in which participants are incentivized.

Experimental Economics is structured to promote experimental economics by bringing together innovative research that meets professional standards of experimental method, but without editorial bias towards specific orientations. All papers will be reviewed through the standard, anonymous-referee procedure and all accepted manuscripts will be subject to the approval of two editors. Authors must submit the instructions that participants in their study received at the time of submission of their manuscript. Authors are expected to submit separate data appendices which will be attached to the journal's web page upon publication.

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This journal is managed and published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the owners, the Economic Science Association.