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Manuscript preparation
Articles should be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced, on A4 or US standard size paper. All footnotes should also be double-spaced, and should be numbered in one sequence throughout. Articles should normally be not more than 10,000 words long. Please anonymize the article and provide an abstract of no more than 150 words at the beginning of the article or as a separate document and up to 10 keywords. Please submit your article as a Word document in the form of an e-mail attachment.
Text conventions
1. Acknowledgements should be set as an unnumbered footnote at the beginning of the paper.
2. Subheadings should be set in bold type, with the minimum of capitalization.
3. Full stops (periods) should be followed by a single space.
4. British English spelling should be used (except for quoted matter), but note the use of -ize rather than -ise. The serial comma (as in red, white, and blue) should be used.
5. Common foreign terms such as inter alia, en route, etc., should not be italicized. Less common terms should be set in italics.
6. Ibid., cf., fo. (but not fos) should all be set with a full stop. E.g. and i.e. may be used in the footnotes, but not in the main text. Do not use op. cit., or loc. cit.; refer to the relevant note instead.
7. Excessive use of capitals should be avoided.
8. Possessive apostrophes should not be followed by ‘s’ after names ending in s (Socrates’ not Socrates’s), except for monosyllabic words (Zeus’s).
9. Parentheses within parentheses should be set as square brackets.
10. Dates should be written as 25 October 2007. Date spans should be elided as much as possible (1806–7, but note 1917–18); the exception to this is BC/BCE date spans, which should always be given in full. Eras should be given as 44 BC, 44 BCE, AD 300, and 300 CE, with no full stops. Write ‘first century’ rather than ‘1st century’.
11. Numbers should be elided as 57–63, 208–9, but 11–13. All numbers below 100 should be spelled out, except in a discussion that includes a mixture of numbers above and below 100, in which case all should be figures. Percentages and fractions should be spelled out in the text.
Where a lengthy quotation is to be used (more than about forty words) then it should be in a single block of text, without inverted commas, preceded and followed by a single blank line. Any use of italics, whether original or added, should be noted with the source. All poetry should be set in italics (except Greek), with any emphasis shown as non-italic text (emphasis in Greek may be shown in bold); all prose should be non-italic (except Latin). Material inserted within a quotation is to be placed in square brackets. Where shorter quotations are used, these should come within the text and single inverted commas are to be used. Double inverted commas should never be used, save in the rare instance of a quotation within a quotation. Classical sources should be listed immediately after the quotation, in the main text; other sources should be supplied in a footnote.
Quotations in Latin and Greek should be kept reasonably short; Greek words and phrases may be transliterated. Passages from classical authors should be offered either in or with translations; if the translation is not your own and is still within copyright (which lasts for 70 years from the death of the translator), you must cite the full publication details of the translation. Special care should be taken over accents and breathings in Greek quotations.
Tables, maps and figures
Illustrations are welcome. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not hold the copyright for worldwide publication in all forms and media, including electronic publication, and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript. All illustrations should be submitted on separate pages and should be numbered with Arabic numerals.
Their approximate position in the text should be indicated clearly. A separate list of figure captions should also be supplied.
References should normally be given in footnotes (not in a reference section at the end of the paper), in the following form (the second form under ‘Books’ shows the style to be used on second and subsequent citations; this should also be followed for articles and chapters in books):
R. Syme, The Roman Revolution (Oxford, 1939), 77 ff. or Syme (n. 7), 77 ff.
A. Barchiesi, The Poet and the Prince. Ovid and Augustan Discourse (Berkeley, CA, 1997), 79–140 or Barchiesi (n. 1), 79–140.
M. Beard, J. North, and S. Price, Religions of Rome (Cambridge, 1998), i.150–3 or Beard, North and Price (n. 12), i.150–3.
M. R. Gale, Virgil on the Nature of Things. The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition (Cambridge, 2000), 105–12 or Gale (n. 1), 105–12.
M. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, second edition, rev. by P. M. Fraser (Oxford, 1966), i.439, 452 or Rostovtzeff (n. 25), i.439, 452.
C. Dougherty and L. Kurke (eds.), The Cultures Within Ancient Greek Culture. Contact, Conflict, Collaboration (Cambridge, 2003), 57–74 or Dougherty and Kurke (n. 9), 57–74.
F. Jacoby, FGrHist 328 F 4.
Author’s initials should be stated in their first mention. Abbreviations should not be assigned to books unless they are generally familiar (e.g., OCD omitting full stops).
D. Johnston, ‘The Jurists’, in C. Rowe and M. Schofield (eds.), The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought (Cambridge, 2000), 616–34.
W. Görler, ‘Silencing the Troublemaker: De legibus 1.39’, in J. G. F. Powell (ed.), Cicero the Philosopher (Oxford, 1995), 85–114.
W. G. Forrest, ‘Aristophanes and the Athenian Empire’, in B. Levick (ed.), The Ancient Historian and his Materials. Essays in Honour of C. E. Stevens (Farnborough, 1975), 27.
References should only be to the pages of interest, not to the whole chapter and the construction ‘123–46 at 127’ should not be used.
S. J. Harrison, ‘Cicero’s De Temporibus suis: The Evidence Reconsidered’, Hermes (1990), 455–63.
T. Frank, ‘Race Mixture in the Roman Empire’, AHR 21 (1916), 689–708.
J. Scheid, ‘Myth, Cult and Reality in Ovid’s Fasti’, PCPS 38 (1992), 118–31.
P. J. Geary, ‘Ethnic Identity as a Situational Construct in the Early Middle Ages’, Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 113 (1983), 15–26.
Both year and volume number should be given. Abbreviations should follow the style of L’Année philologique. References should only be to the pages of interest, not to the whole article and the construction ‘123–46 at 127’ should not be used.
Abbreviations should follow the style of OCD3
Ar. Av. 135.
Hom. Od. 1.1 (not 1).
Cic. Phil. 2. 20.
Quint. Inst. 10.1.46.
Soph. OC 225 (do not use 1. or 11., but, where necessary, line(s)).
accessed 14 November 2007.
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English language editing services
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