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FAQ – Move to Open Access

Journal of Functional Programming is open access as of 2022


Why is Cambridge University Press converting Journal of Functional Programming to the Open Access model?  

Cambridge University Press is committed to the principles of Open Research, of which Open Access publishing is an essential pillar. The Press and the journal’s Editors firmly believe that converting the journal to Open Access will ensure much greater visibility and impact of the high quality research that it publishes, strengthening its position as a highly influential publication in the field.

What is Open Access?

Open Access is the practice of making published research freely accessible to all. Whilst there are a number of mechanisms for making content freely available, the Gold open access model used by Journal of Functional Programming requires that the published 'version of record' be made freely available to all immediately upon publication, with additional usage rights. As no subscriptions are sold to view the content, such open access journals are typically financially supported through an article processing charge (APC) levied on the submitting author's institution or funding body.

For more information about Open Access at Cambridge University Press, see our Cambridge Open pages.  

What is the APC of Journal of Functional Programming?

Open Access publishing in Journal of Functional Programming is funded through levying an article processing charge (APC) on each individual author's institution or funding body. There are no extra submission or figure charges. For Journal of Functional Programming we are committed to maintaining the APC at a level justified by real publishing costs, and the journal will have an associated APC of GBP1,250 / USD1,705 for 2022.

How can authors obtain funding to pay for the article processing charge?

Read & Publish agreements Cambridge University Press has made a number of Read & Publish agreements that cover the article processing charges of authors from affiliated institutions. Please check if you are eligible to publish under one of these agreements.

Funding bodies Your funding body may have funds available specifically for paying article processing charges, or money that can be used for this purpose. Please check your agreement with them. You may also consult the SHERPA Juliet resource, which allows you to browse for this information by funding body.  

Institutions Your institution may have funding available to cover article processing charges. This is not always well advertised, so check with your institution’s library or research services department whether there are any funds for which you may be eligible.

Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition maintains a resource listing institutions in the USA that cover article processing charges.  

Other resources The Open Access Directory includes a list of open access publication funding bodies and institutions.

Sponsorship through JFP

No author will be expected to pay out of their own pocket. After peer-review, an accepted paper will be published open access. If you do not have funding, please contact the Publishing Editor, Samira Ceccarelli ( so that we can discuss your specific circumstances.  

JFP aims to get sponsorship from companies and organizations interested in its core subject areas, to fund Gold Open Access publication for Authors who otherwise would not have means to pay the APC.  

Is there a waiver policy?

Waivers will be automatically granted for all:




Full waivers will automatically be granted via RightsLink.  

The decision whether to accept a paper for publication will rest solely with the Editors, independently from the Publisher, and without reference to the funding situation of the authors. The Editors, editorial board members, and reviewers will have no involvement with the billing of APCs and cannot grant waivers.

In the appropriate cases, the publication charge will be billed on acceptance of the article for publication.  

Cambridge University Press operates waiver policies in line with other leading publishers. We grant 100% waivers to papers whose corresponding authors are based in Research4Life 'Group A' countries and 50% waivers to those who are based in 'Group B' countries.  

Copyright and licencing information

The author will retain the copyright of published articles.  

Authors will be able to post the final published version of their article anywhere (e.g. personal webpage, institutional repository), providing the work is fully attributed. We note, however, that we can currently only track usage statistics for article views and downloads from our own site.

Articles will be published, by default, under a creative commons attribution licence (CC-BY). Authors will, however, have the option to publish under a CC-BY Non-Commercial Share Alike (CC-BY-NC-SA) licence or a CC-BY Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) licence if so desired.

Find out more about creative commons licences here

What is the process for submitting articles?

Articles should be submitted in the usual way via our online submission system and will undergo rigorous peer review.

Submission received after October 2021 will be considered for the possible publication in 2022 as Open Access papers and hence will be subject to an APC fee. Submissions prior to this date will not be subject to an Open Access fee.