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Continues Language Teaching: Abstracts (1968 - 1974), Language Teaching & Linguistics: Abstracts (1975 - 1981)
Title history
  • ISSN: 0261-4448 (Print), 1475-3049 (Online)
  • Editor: Dr Graeme Porte University of Granada, Spain
  • Editorial board
Language Teaching is the essential research resource for language professionals providing a rich and expert overview of research in the field of second-language teaching and learning. It offers critical survey articles of recent research on specific topics, second and foreign languages and countries, and invites original research articles reporting on replication studies and meta-analyses. The journal also includes regional surveys of outstanding doctoral dissertations, topic-based research timelines, theme-based research agendas, recent plenary conference speeches, and research-in-progress reports. A thorough peer-reviewing procedure applies to both the commissioned and the unsolicited articles.

Christopher Brumfit Essay Prize 2025

Language Teaching announces the award of an essay prize which honours one of its Founding Editors. 


The winner will receive a £500 credit to be used to purchase books available in the current Cambridge University Press catalogue.

The winning essay - revised where appropriate in line with referees’ comments - will be prioritised for publication in the first available issue of the journal.

The winner will be nominated for a one-year period as a member of the Language Teaching Editorial Board and designated in all outlets of the journal as the “Christopher Brumfit Award Winner”. 

An official certificate will be issued to the winner by the journal and Cambridge University Press.


Write an essay which presents an argument of relevance to second/foreign language learning or acquisition.


For more details about requirements and procedure for essay submissions, please visit this page.

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