We give a simple, direct, and reusable logical relations technique for languages with term and type recursion and partially defined differentiable functions. We demonstrate it by working out the case of automatic differentiation (AD) correctness: namely, we present a correctness proof of a dual numbers style AD code transformation for realistic functional languages in the ML-family. We also show how this code transformation provides us with correct forward- and reverse-mode AD.
The starting point is to interpret a functional programming language as a suitable freely generated categorical structure. In this setting, by the universal property of the syntactic categorical structure, the dual numbers AD code transformation and the basic
\boldsymbol{\omega } \mathbf{Cpo}-semantics arise as structure preserving functors. The proof follows, then, by a novel logical relations argument.
The key to much of our contribution is a powerful monadic logical relations technique for term recursion and recursive types. It provides us with a semantic correctness proof based on a simple approach for denotational semantics, making use only of the very basic concrete model of