Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Lane, Richard D.
From Reconstruction to Construction: The Power of Corrective Emotional Experiences in Memory Reconsolidation and Enduring Change.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,
Vol. 66,
Issue. 3,
Solms, Mark
The Hard Problem of Consciousness and the Free Energy Principle.
Frontiers in Psychology,
Vol. 9,
Issue. ,
Dobbin, Alastair
Ross, Sheila
How Memory Structures Influence Distress and Recovery.
Frontiers in Psychiatry,
Vol. 10,
Issue. ,
Lane, Richard D.
Promoting the Integration of Psychodynamic and Emotion-Focused Psychotherapies Through Advances in Affective Science and Neuroscience.
Clinical Social Work Journal,
Vol. 48,
Issue. 3,
Northoff, Georg
Scalabrini, Andrea
“Project for a Spatiotemporal Neuroscience” – Brain and Psyche Share Their Topography and Dynamic.
Frontiers in Psychology,
Vol. 12,
Issue. ,
Vaisvaser, Sharon
The Embodied-Enactive-Interactive Brain: Bridging Neuroscience and Creative Arts Therapies.
Frontiers in Psychology,
Vol. 12,
Issue. ,
Mota, Natália Bezerra
Soares, Ernesto
Altszyler, Edgar
Sánchez-Gendriz, Ignacio
Muto, Vincenzo
Heib, Dominik
Slezak, Diego F.
Sigman, Mariano
Copelli, Mauro
Schabus, Manuel
Ribeiro, Sidarta
Imagetic and affective measures of memory reverberation diverge at sleep onset in association with theta rhythm.
Vol. 264,
Issue. ,
Kulish, Nancy
The Power of Stories.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,
Vol. 70,
Issue. 5,
Lane, Richard D.
The promise of affective science to advance psychoanalytic object relations theory.
Vol. 24,
Issue. 1,
Vaisvaser, Sharon
King, Juliet L.
Orkibi, Hod
Aleem, Hassan
Neurodynamics of Relational Aesthetic Engagement in Creative Arts Therapies.
Review of General Psychology,
Vol. 28,
Issue. 3,
Lane, Richard D.
Change in Emotion and Mental Health.
Target article
Memory reconsolidation, emotional arousal, and the process of change in psychotherapy: New insights from brain science
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Author response
The integrated memory model: A new framework for understanding the mechanisms of change in psychotherapy