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About the editors


  • Mary Dixon-Woods is Director of THIS Institute and is the Health Foundation Professor of Healthcare Improvement Studies in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge. Mary leads a programme of research focused on healthcare improvement, healthcare ethics, and methodological innovation in studying healthcare.
  • Graham Martin is Director of Research at THIS Institute, leading applied research programmes and contributing to the institute’s strategy and development. His research interests are in the organisation and delivery of healthcare, and particularly the role of professionals, managers, and patients and the public in efforts at organisational change.

Executive Editor:

  • Katrina Brown was Communications Manager at THIS Institute, providing editorial expertise to maximise the impact of THIS Institute’s research findings. She managed the project to produce the series until 2023.

Editorial Team:

  • Sonja Marjanovic is Director of RAND Europe’s healthcare innovation, industry, and policy research. Her work provides decision-makers with evidence and insights to support innovation and improvement in healthcare systems, and to support the translation of innovation into societal benefits for healthcare services and population health.
  • Tom Ling is Head of Evaluation at RAND Europe and President of the European Evaluation Society, leading evaluations and applied research focused on the key challenges facing health services. His current health portfolio includes evaluations of the innovation landscape, quality improvement, communities of practice, patient flow, and service transformation.
  • Ellen Perry supported the production of the series during 2020–21.
  • Gemma Petley is Senior Communications and Editorial Manager at THIS Institute, responsible for overseeing the production and maximising the impact of the series.
  • Claire Dipple is Editorial Project Manager at THIS Institute, responsible for editing and project managing the series.

Thank you to Steve Flood (editor), Dina Koulama (figure designer), and Dan Gould (graphic designer) for their work to make the Elements accessible and engaging.