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  • ISSN: 1049-0965 (Print), 1537-5935 (Online)
  • Editors: Lina Benabdallah Wake Forest University, USA, Justin E. Esarey Wake Forest University, USA, Peter Siavelis Wake Forest University, USA, and Betina Cutaia Wilkinson Wake Forest University, USA
  • Editorial board
PS: Political Science & Politics, begun in 1968, is a premier outlet featuring timely and original research on a variety of topics that are relevant to political scientists and researchers in allied fields. We encourage submissions regarding research on political science pedagogy, political events in the US and abroad, and research on the state of our discipline, including survey research on political scientists. PS welcomes work authored by and reflecting the research priorities of underrepresented groups, those working outside the academy, and scholars residing outside the United States. 
PS: Political Science & Politics is sold ONLY as part of a joint subscription with American Political Science Review and Perspectives on Politics.

Political Science Now blog

  • How Violence Against LGBTQ+ People Shapes Public Attitudes
  • 28 February 2025, Clarissa Nogueira
  • In the APSA Public Scholarship Program, graduate students in political science produce summaries of new research in the American Political Science Review. This The post How Violence Against LGBTQ+ People Shapes Public Attitudes appeared first on ....